Click, Tick, Tock

Another year has come and gone. I guess the old saying is true:  time flies when you’re having fun. And that other thing about the older we get, the quicker it goes – Mom was right, but that’s another story…

As for me, 2012 brought lots of changes, both personal and professional. After nearly 15 years of day-to-day practice, I now focus on writing, teaching, and product development.

And, what a year in the horse world – from changes in slaughter laws to controversy surrounding show regulations. And, of course, record drought throughout much of the country.

I look forward to discussing these topics, and much more. But, since cold weather is upon us, I want to address a common question:

What causes a horse’s joint to ‘click’?

Joints are enclosed in a capsule, and bathed in a slippery liquid called synovial fluid. This substance, along with articular cartilage, allows a joint to move with ease. Without adequate lubrication, joints become rough – a product of age, wear, or conformation. If not addressed, articular cartilage begins to erode, followed by inflammation of underlying bone surfaces and, ultimately, arthritis.

Once you hear noise coming from a joint, avoid taking the wait-and-see approach – pain and lameness may be close behind. When it comes to joint degeneration, it’s easier to prevent a process, or slow it down, than to correct it once established.

Joint supplements provide the body with natural components that have been lost with time and use, and are a good option to prevent dryness or replace viscosity in the early stages of degenerative joint disease.

Look for a product that contains at least MSM and vitamin C (ascorbic acid); added glucosamine is a plus, but something with hyaluronate is superior. And, since nutraceuticals are not closely regulated, purchase a reputable brand to ensure quality and consistency. Most products recommend an initial loading dose, followed by a maintenance dose. It may take a month or more to see results, but most supplements become more effective over time.

Happy New Year !

3 thoughts on “Click, Tick, Tock

  1. I still have Blue and Tigger on the Matrix you recommended, and it has worked wonders. Both horses (18 and 17 years old, respectively) are moving like youngsters, even in this cold weather. I am a supporter of using a supplement to help their joints.

    • Kim, awesome, thank you for sharing your testimonial. As you know, middle age (or before, if necessary) is the best time to start. Blue and Tigger are perfect examples; and, without a doubt, are gonna remain serviceable for a longer amount of time, due to your diligence.

      • The product my client mentioned is Matrix 5 H/A. I recommend this formulation on a regular basis for the prevention and treatment of mild to moderate arthritis in pleasure and performance horses alike. Although this is NOT an official endorsement, I believe in this product and can stand behind it – for more information, please go to and search under joint support.

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